Hello I'm Darren Bowman
I started trading from absolute zero, no family members on wall street, or parents funding my trading account. Just me, YouTube and my brokerage account making mistakes with no direction and wanting to ​give up. I have traded the market every single day it has been open since May 2022 and buried myself in these charts every waking minute. Fast forward to today and I am finally breaking the threshold of consistency and seeing my edge continually pull money out of this market.
I work at Tesla as a Controls Engineer and equally immerse myself into my responsibilities here. If you are doubting that it's possible to juggle a full-time job while learning to trade, I am here to tell you you are wrong. I believe the universe is very giving, and with a strong enough desire aimed squarely at an objective you can make just about anything happen.
About BBOT
I created Bowman Board of Trade for beginner traders, struggling traders, or anyone who needs guidance in creating a systematic approach to achieving profitability in the markets. Here I will give you all the resources necessary to start trading and developing a plan for your success today!
The internet is inundated with information surrounding trading mostly designed to confuse you and waste your precious time. Therefore the content and resource you will find throughout this site are designed to be concise and get you into the charts as soon as possible which is where all the real lessons are learned anyway.
The two biggest personality traits which have fast-tracked my trading journey are being relentless, and having a strict process based approach to everything I do. All the resources I provide are aligned with this philosophy and I truly believe these are the only traits one needs to make progress as a trader.
Thank you in advance for supporting me and I am certain you will find all the help you need in these pages to start your trading journey today.