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Trading Journal

Why a trade journal?

"If you don't know what you did to win the last time, how do you know what to do to keep from losing this time?"

This is my all-time favorite quote from Mark Douglas when it comes to journaling because it explains so well the necessity of analyzing your past results. Your track record holds all the keys to your future success in the markets, but 99% of traders refuse to go back over their losing trades. WHY? They do not want to face their weaknesses! You have two choices: Identify your weak points TODAY by journaling every trade you take, or continually give your hard earned money back to the markets until the pain is too great, and you decide to find the root of the problem. It's really that simple!


I made template of all the top things I include in my daily trade journal. I'll be honest sometimes I slack up on my journaling because I can't really think of what to write about. This template completely eliminates that problem and provides a way you can actually track your progress over time! Download it, print out a whole bunch, and watch it drastically transform your trading in the next weeks and months!

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